Recorded in New Orleans at the meeting of the American Society for Theatre Research, Pannill, Jordan, Miriam, Brian, and Leticia talk about the recent NPR series of reports on the American regional theatre, the Dramatists Legal Defense Fund's Toolkit for college theatre productions, and the ASTR 2022 conference on the theme of Catastrophe.

Here are links to some of the things we talk about on this episode:

  • The NPR series, Next Stage

  • The Dramatists Legal Defense Fund’s college theatre “cancellation toolkit

  • ASTR 2022, in New Orleans

  • Brian’s invaluable newsletter on substack, #theatreclique


Pannill, Brian, and Jordan discuss The City We Make Together, a new book by Mallory Catlett and Aaron Landsman about the participatory theatre piece City Council Meeting, Nathan Fielder's show The Rehearsal, and a recent Wired article about Nordic Larp.

Here are links to some of the things we discuss on this episode:


Sarah, Harvey, and Pannill ring in the new academic year with a special edition of the podcast, and some fond farewells. Recording in person on the campus of York University in Toronto, the original co-hosts discuss Nikki Yeboah’s award-winning article, All the Nation’s a Stage, the Jordan Peele movie Nope, and Elton John’s Farewell Yellow Brick Road concert. 


In an unusual "two-hander" edition of the podcast, Pannill and Brian discuss Patrick Anderson's recent article in Theatre Journal, "Dramaturgies of Policing," the meaning of awards in theatre and more broadly, and the Spring Awakening documentary.


Pannill, Harvey, and Sarah are joined by Molly Flynn of Birkbeck, University of London to talk about Ukrainian theatre artists' responses to the ongoing war with Russia. Plus the co-hosts discuss David Savran's ASTR address about the field later published in Theater in 2001, and the TV series Station Eleven.


Pannill, Kareem, and Miriam talk about Vivian L. Huang's article, "Sparking Joy, Serving Mess" in The Journal of Popular Culture, the state of NYC theatre festivals amidst the Omicron wave, and some recent streaming shows, including Addressless at Rattlestick, and gloria rehearsal at the Baryishnikov Arts Center.


On TAP takes on the metaverse! Sarah, Brian, and special guests Ian Garrett and Elizabeth Hunter evaluate the hype regarding facebook's recent announcement on the metaverse, explore the performance studies implications of experimental immersive social media, and discuss its accessibility and equity dimensions. Plus, our first ever bleeped utterance!

Here are links to some of the things we talked about on this episode:

  • Mark Zuckerberg’s video regarding the metaverse

  • The Buzzfeed article about white actors playing people of color in VR EDI trainings

  • The Harvard metalab futureStage manifesto


Recorded in-person at ASTR 2021 in San Diego, Pannill, Sarah, Leticia, and Jordan discuss the Journal of Dramatic Criticism special section on uses and abuses of the term performative, the sessions on feminist theatre past and present hosted by Cornell University, and ASTR 2021 itself.

Here are links to some of the things we discussed on this episode:

  • The Spring 2021 edition of the Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism with the special section, #performativex

  • The Feminist Theatre Past and Present events at Cornell

  • ASTR 2021’s program