On TAP is a three-headed, freewheeling conversation about topics of current interest to graduate students, professors, independent scholars, and all those interested in academic Theatre and Performance Studies. Each edition features three of our co-hosts talking about several topics of field-wide interest, including trends in ideas, theories, methods, pedagogy, career development, and developments in research, publishing, and hiring. Something like a cross between a casual faculty seminar and an impromptu conversation at the conference hotel bar, On TAP features established scholars discussing a rapidly evolving field of knowledge. It is free to download and a great way to stay connected to the field. It is not peer-reviewed.

How to Listen
There are several easy ways to listen to the podcast. 

1.  Subscribe using a podcasting app. Using your iPhone or Android phone, download a podcasting app. There are several to choose from, including Podcruncher and Apple Podcasts for iPhones, and Podcast and Radio Addict for Android phones. Our podcast is also available on Spotify. Just search for On TAP.

Once you have installed one of these apps, add On TAP by finding the option to add a podcast via URL. Type or copy/paste in this URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/soundcloud/qpUZ. This way you will be subscribed and automatically receive our new episodes every time we update.

2. Listen through a web browser on your computer or portable device by clicking to the HOME page of this website, and hitting the orange play button. The podcast is also hosted on SoundCloud.

Editorial Policy

Each episodes topics are decided by the co-hosts appearing on that episode. Listeners are encouraged to reach out to co-hosts to suggest topics, and you can reach us at hosts@ontappod.com. When topics are suggested, they are discussed by the co-hosts and selected by consensus.

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Tell us what you think! We appreciate reviews on our iTunes page and feedback and suggestions on our Facebook page. Plus you can email us directly at hosts@ontappod.com.